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This OnDemand Training system reveals how to
increase your monthly net profits by 5 to 6 figures!!

Just $99.99 for your first month, then $249.95/mo.

Client Success Stories...

Net/Gross increase of 38% ELR increased by $18 CSI increased from 63 to 74
Damon Egan Sherwood Ford
Net/Gross increase of 55% ELR increased by $26 CSI increased from 93 to 94
David Cissi Mercedes Benz of St. Louis
Net/Gross increase of 20% ELR increased by $29 CSI increased from 87 to 98
Don Volk Denny Menholt Chevy, Buick, GMC

What You Get Access To....

1-Hour Strategy Session

Create an A to Z financial plan of action in your FREE 1-hour strategy session with Business Fixer and Automotive Expert Chris “The Bulldog” Collins.

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Our team is constantly updating OnDemand so you can improve your department with up-to-date strategies. It’s no wonder over 95% of people who purchase stay on

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Get your copies of Irreplaceable Service Manager and Millionaire Service Advisor for FREE when you take advantage of this offer.

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Are your Fixed Ops strong enough to carry your dealership?

The industry is hurting! Some dealerships are panicking while others are cashing in with Fixed Ops! Find out how our expert coaches and systems can get your dealership to record profits.

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This Step By Step Guide Will Teach You How To…

  • Create a workplace you and your employees love!
  • Drive traffic and increase your RO count!
  • Significantly increase your CSI count!
  • Create lifetime customer loyalty!
  • And so much more!

Your 90 Day Roadmap to Your Best Fixed-Op’s Month Ever

Your 90 Day Roadmap to Your Best Fixed-Op’s Month Ever

Your 90 Day Roadmap to Your Best Fixed-Op’s Month Ever

Your 90 Day Roadmap to Your Best Fixed-Op’s Month Ever

Your 90 Day Roadmap to Your Best Fixed-Op’s Month Ever

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Run Out Of Stock!

$74.95 $39.95

This Step By Step Guide Will Teach You How To…

  • Create a workplace you and your employees love!
  • Drive traffic and increase your RO count!
  • Significantly increase your CSI count!
  • Create lifetime customer loyalty!
  • And so much more!

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