On this week’s show, Chris “The Bulldog” Collins and co-host Gary “G MAN” Daniel talk about how to scale up and grow your Service Drive. First, the service drive guru’s get a quick update on Gary’s health following his recent blood test. The conversation opens up as Chris talks about Gary’s electric skateboard, trying to discover what Gary thinks a healthy American male looks like. Hilarity ensues as they discuss Domino’s pizza apps, Chris buying and controlling a stand-up treadmill desk for Gary and Gary’s mid-life crisis Fixie bike. Wrapping this segment up, Gary REVEALS his new cholesterol score to which Chris goes into “improv” doctor mode. The conversation moves onto the main topic of the week – SCALING AND GROWING YOUR BUSINESS. Chris’ first tip is: “you have to think of things as systems that are scalable.” Compartmentalizing the groups within the service drive and establishing how many staff members you need. Chris and Gary then discuss the mindset of growth and putting yourself in a position to cope and have solid control as the business goes to the next level. They also bring up that there is no cap to that growth, you can always improve. In this week’s show, the leaders in SERVICE DRIVE TRAINING break down the tips and tools to scaling up your business and giving you the vision and mindset to take on that growth.