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Unlock The Secret To Happiness With This One Tool, Feat. Daniel Bruce Levin (Pt. 1)

Do you know who you are and what makes you happy?

Get ready to open your mind for this episode of Business Outlaws. BigMike and Chris “Bulldog” Collins welcome spiritualist Daniel Bruce Levin to help us crack open the secrets to our inner selves.

While others were seeking their fortunes, Daniel was seeking himself. He gave away every cent he had to the poor because he thought it would solve his problems. But then, new problems arose.

So, what did he do?

He went on a spiritual journey, which brought him face to face with a distinguished rabbi. After witnessing the unexplainable acts performed by the religious leader, Daniel began experiencing events that defied reason.

Unable to deny the power of these events, Daniel gave himself up to meditation and focusing on his spirituality.

Too many folks seek validation from external influences. Make no mistake — people can absolutely tell when you are searching for meaning and they will try to take advantage of you. That’s exactly what happened to Daniel, but he understood that he could not find happiness without first finding himself.

The Outlaws drop a lot of wisdom in this episode. “You have to be able to self-reflect and think about the forces that made you the way you are today,” says BigMike. “And once you get a handle on that, you understand life in a way that is almost magical.”

Wake up to the truth about reality in this riveting episode of Business Outlaws and learn how to better understand your inner self. When you’re done, don’t forget to head on over to for more full episodes and exclusive behind-the-scenes content from the Outlaws themselves.

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