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(5 customer reviews)

The much-anticipated follow-up to “The Irreplaceable Service Manager”… Millionaire Service Advisor is Now Available!

Find out why dealerships everywhere make this book required reading for their Service Advisors!


SKU MSA201 Category


Service Advisors in the Automotive industry create, arguably, more gross profit than any other employee in the dealership… and receive the least amount of training.

On top of that, they also have the most influence on customer retention and future new car purchases.

The facts are, according to NADA, regular service customers are 17 times more likely to buy their next vehicle from their servicing dealership. And an increase in customer retention rates of just 5% improves dealership profits by 35%.

Millionaire Service Advisor is a roadmap on how to do just that, focused on the caring and collecting of customers.


Millionaire Service AdvisorMillionaire Service Advisor also includes our 11-step Circle of Trust System, where you will learn how to:

  • Build trust and credibility.
  • Form deeper customer relationships.
  • Create instant connections.
  • Control the narrative.
  • Significantly boost your CSI.
  • Eliminate sales declines.
  • Dramatically increase customer retention.

YES! Get The Book Now!


  1. mike carroll

    Really enjoy this book. Easy read can be completed in one sitting. Read it again every so often just to keep the concepts fresh. Great content on customer interactions in general not just applicable to the service lane!

  2. Robert Fowler

    Excellent book! Real life story, with action guide and great mindset shift

  3. Roger Pipher

    Simply Awesome!

  4. avenue18

    On your place I would arrive differently.

  5. Travis Hess (verified owner)

    Enjoyed reading about some of Chris’ journey and how he developed and implemented great customer service in fixed ops and beyond. I am reading through his system section of the book a third time; it’s very helpful and practical. One take away: this is a people business; it’s not primarily about the cars. (I’m going into my 10th year in auto service)

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This Step By Step Guide Will Teach You How To…

  • Create a workplace you and your employees love!
  • Drive traffic and increase your RO count!
  • Significantly increase your CSI count!
  • Create lifetime customer loyalty!
  • And so much more!

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