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9 Reasons Why Automotive Service Managers Fail

We have an exciting show for you today. We are going to talk about the 9 Reasons Why Automotive Service Managers fail.    The list is gonna surprise you because there’s some good stuff on there.    I think this will inspire a lot of you and create some fun conversations, but first there’s some […]

Service Advisors Giving Away Free Car Diagnosis

Are you ready to learn about free car diagnosis?   Today Christian and I are going to talk about something that was polarizing on our LinkedIn profile and it is about ‘How to handle Diagnosis with customers?’  We’re going to give you an update on what’s coming up in the next couple months with the Service […]

Top 10 List You DON’T Want Your Business to Be On

Are you excited to know about our Top 10 List you don’t want your business to be on?!  Christian and I  have an episode today that is for everybody! Who’s ever been disappointed with customer service? There’s tons of examples of companies out there that put profits before customer service or they’re just too big […]

Mastering the Power of Persuasion with Dr. Robert Cialdini

We have exciting conversations for you today with Dr. Cialdini, the author of Influence, The Psychology of Persuasion and Pre-Suasion.  Dr. Robert Cialdini is an incredible teacher and fan of human behavior and this is the ramp up to our Top Dog event in October.  Top Dog is an annual event we always look forward […]

Hiring Military Veterans for Your Service Department

Today we have a guest for you and he’ll be talking about hiring military veterans. Welcome everybody to Service Drive Revolution, I’m Chris Collins and I have Christian Lafferty with me today.  Our fascination with it was how to figure out how to hire and recruit Technicians from the military and it’s something that we’ve […]

How long should a used car reconditioning take?

Today on the show we talked about how long it takes people to perform used car reconditioning.   Again, I’m Chris Collins. This is Christian Lafferty and that’s what’s coming up on Service Drive Revolution.   It’s very clear that all of these rental car companies are going through bankruptcy because they’re a disaster. They […]

My Top 17 Business Books of All Time

People often ask me, “Hey, did you go to Harvard or Stanford?” They assume I went to an Ivy League school. But the truth is I’m self taught and most of what I’ve learned, I either learned hands on, from taking courses, or reading books. Today, I’ve put together my 17 top business books. One […]


How to double sales at a hair salon by Chris Collins

  I’m a little obsessed with helping businesses find new streams of revenue, in case you haven’t noticed… I’ve thought a lot about hair salons specifically, and it all comes down to a system. The first piece they get wrong in most hair salons is scheduling. Usually, there’s some receptionist who’s handling all the appointments. […]


Chris Collins, entrepreneur, mindset, business tips, small business owner

Recently, at one of my mastermind groups, someone asked our guest speaker, Tony Robbins, how he managed a work, life balance. You want to know how he answered? He laughed. Ask any super successful, driven professional how they balance their work life and their personal life and you’ll get the same laugh. Or, maybe you’ll […]


Chris Collins, business advice, customer service, mindset

  Want to know your advantage in the marketplace and how you fight the big boys to end up on top? CUSTOMER SERVICE. What nobody thinks about when it comes to customer service is if you’re selling a commodity, somebody else can sell it for less. If you have terrible customer service and your employees […]


Being a leader, as well as a boss, is critical to getting your employees to perform at their best. Not sure about that? According to Gallup polls:   Poor leaders in the workplace are the number one reason people quit their jobs.   Poor management can cost a team 50% less productivity than well managed […]


Should you? Or, shouldn’t you? People have wildly different opinions about whether it’s a good idea to go into business with family and friends, and for good reason. Personally, I have dreams of grandeur that in some situations it can go well, but plenty of my close friends and colleagues have warned me against these optimistic […]


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