Strong Leadership Skills To Have As A Service Advisor
We’ll be talking to a service advisor about burnout and we have a special guest that will help me talk about strong leadership skills.
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How many Automotive Repair Orders Should a Service Advisor Write?
Coming up on today's show, we’ll be talking about how many automotive Repair Orders a service advisor writes. Additionally we’ll ask our editor, Michael, to describe different parts on a car to make a bigger point.
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How the Global Chip Shortage Is Affecting the Auto Industry
We have an exciting show for you today. We have two guests and we are going to talk about what's going on in the industry, starting with the computer chip shortage, including electronics.
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How long should a used car reconditioning take?
Today on the show we talked about how long it takes people to perform used car reconditioning.
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How Your Dispatcher Is Hurting Your Dealership
Coming up today, we talk about how to solve any problem and what dispatchers have in common with a wedge blocking the front door to your house.
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Raise Your Labor Rates, Get Less Declines
Today on the show, we talk about how you can raise your labor rates and actually reduce your declines and Mia explains to us what service advisors really mean when they say certain things to their customers.
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New Tech Turnover, Why Over 60% of Techs Quit in the First 2 Years
Today on the show, we talk about new tech turnover. Why over 60% are quitting in the first two years, we talk about Christians, weird fetish, and we play a game of would you rather, but this time I'm the one answering the questions and Mia ranks dealership jobs from easiest to hardest that in much, much more coming up on service drive revolution.
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Post-Covid Pain w/ Mia (Service Drive Revolution)
Today on the show. We talk about how you can get in on the post COVID rush before it's too late. Mia visits us here in California. We debate service advisor, pay plans, base or commission, which is better. And maybe possibly Christian finally gives me the cigar. He owes me that in much more today on service drive revolution.
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