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5 More Reasons Service Managers Get Fired (And How to Avoid Them) 

Are You Making These Crucial Mistakes as a Service Manager? 

Hey there, Chris Collins here. In my 25+ years in the automotive industry, I’ve seen countless Service Managers come and go. Some leave on their own terms, but far too many find themselves on the chopping block, wondering what went wrong. In a recent episode of Service Drive Revolution, I discussed the top reasons Service Managers get fired. I want to dive deeper into this topic and share five more critical mistakes that could cost you your job. 

attracting new customers

Mistake #1: Managing Out of Fear and Reacting Instead of Leading 

One of the biggest pitfalls I see Service Managers fall into is managing out of fear and constantly reacting to problems instead of proactively preventing them. If you’re always in firefighting mode, you’ll never have the time or energy to build a bulletproof, scalable department. The key is to shift your mindset from being a reactor to being a proactive leader who anticipates challenges and has systems in place to handle them. 

Mistake #2: Treating the Symptom, Not the Cause 

Another common mistake is focusing on treating the symptoms of a problem rather than addressing the root cause. For example, if your Advisors aren’t selling enough, the knee-jerk reaction might be to provide more training. But if the real issue is a lack of Technicians to get the work done, no amount of training will solve the problem. As a Service Manager, it’s your job to dig deep, identify the underlying issues, and tackle them head-on. 

Mistake #3: Hiring Warm Bodies Instead of Recruiting Superstars 

When you’re desperate to fill a position, it’s easy to fall into the trap of hiring the first person with a pulse. But this short-term thinking will only lead to long-term problems. Instead of settling for warm bodies, focus on actively recruiting top talent. Seek out the best Advisors and Technicians in your market, and create a work environment that attracts and retains superstars. 

Mistake #4: Neglecting Marketing and Taking Traffic for Granted 

Too many Service Managers take the traffic from their sales department for granted and fail to proactively market their services. They assume that customers will keep coming back, even if they don’t provide an exceptional experience or stay top-of-mind. In today’s competitive landscape, this is a recipe for disaster. To thrive as a Service Manager, you need to think like a marketer and constantly look for ways to attract new customers and retain existing ones. 

Mistake #5: Undervaluing Your Skills and Services 

Finally, one of the most devastating mistakes Service Managers make is undervaluing what they bring to the table. They get so caught up in trying to be the cheapest option that they fail to recognize the true worth of their skills and services. Remember, you’re not just selling parts and labor – you’re selling peace of mind, expertise, and a commitment to excellence. When you value yourself and your team, your customers will too. 

Bonus Mistake: Surrounding Yourself with the Wrong People 

As a bonus, I want to touch on one more critical factor that can make or break your success as a Service Manager: the people you surround yourself with. If your inner circle consists of negative, mediocre, or complacent individuals, they’ll drag you down to their level. On the other hand, if you surround yourself with high achievers who challenge you to grow and improve, you’ll rise to their level. Be intentional about seeking out mentors, colleagues, and friends who push you to be your best. 

Wrap Up: Take Your Service Department to the Next Level 

If you’re a Service Manager who wants to avoid these pitfalls and take your department to new heights, I invite you to book a 15-minute strategy session with my team. In this complimentary call, we’ll discuss your unique challenges and opportunities, and show you how to implement proven strategies for success in your Fixed Ops department. 

Don’t let these common mistakes hold you back from reaching your full potential as a Service Manager. Take action today and start building the thriving, profitable department you know is possible. 

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