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Congratulations to Gareth Rowlands of Honda of Morristown, in Tennessee for being a finalist in the 2017 Service Manager Challenge. Gareth joined the Chris Collins Signature Coaching Program in October of 2016.  As a former athlete, Gareth is familiar with how to win, he just needed a coach to show him the playbook.

Here are the results Gareth’s seen in the past year while using the Chris Collins Signature Coaching Program:

  • Net/Gross went from -4% to 13%
  • Effective Labor Rate (ELR) increased $21
  • CSI rose from 93 to 94

It’s taken some work, but you can’t argue with these results.

Read Gareth’s success story below…


Competition is something that’s in by blood. Being the youngest of three boys in a military household, wanting or needing to be the best at whatever was being played or done was a must. This mindset set the foundation and developed a devoted student-athlete that would not accept failure as an option. Upon graduating from college I was left with a void, it was the first time in my existence to not have something or someone to compete against.

Enter the car industry.

With zero knowledge I found myself at the bottom of the totem pole with a lot of learning to do. Fast-forward 4 years and a couple of different positions I had found my new home: the service drive. A place of fast pace, high demand, and the goal of being the best at my trade.

The journey begins.

I soon found that there were many similarities between fixed operations and a lifetime of playing competitive sports. Both are intricately designed with many moving parts, clear communication is key and teamwork is everything. However, both also thrive on analytics. The only problem with the analytics part of the fixed operations world would be that the knowledge I possessed was only enough to get me to a certain level.

Enter Chris Collins.

At first it was a little foreign to me, and I was thrown off at how vast of a change there was from a clean-cut guy in a suit, transformed into bearded, biker-looking gentleman in the training videos. In watching and dissecting the videos it all started making sense and the picture of the next level started to become clearer. Being that I played college football, I couldn’t help but make the analogy between fixed operations and the sport. You have different levels of football: high-school, college and the NFL. You also have different levels of a dealership: losing money, breaking even and profitable.

These different levels of ‘play’ tie directly into my journey with Chris Collins Inc. They are shown in the continued increases in our Effective Labor Rate and overall fixed gross profit. An average high school football game ticket costs $5, the average college game is $60 and the average NFL game is $100. We, as the cardholders, are willing to pay these prices because we base our decisions on emotion and see the value in what we are purchasing. Much like our daily business in the service drive; providing customers with an abundance of value ties into a customer’s decisions. The program has certainly provided Honda Morristown with the tools that have taken our advisors from the high school athlete into the college athlete and now pushing on to be NFL superstars. Corresponding with our customers’ willingness to pay for a high school, college and NFL ticket price.

The learning continued and while I thought that my processes were in line, I was humbled to find that there was so much being left out it made me sick. I’m a people person so naturally, customer service is something that I care about. However, I’ve always held the idea that there are not many British guys in Morristown, Tennessee and if someone was upset enough it wouldn’t be hard for a hitman to find me. Nevertheless, the knowledge of committing to excellence to our customers upfront and petting the dog while performing a perfect walk-around has so far kept me safe. Coincidentally our CSI numbers have correlated to my safety and have seen steady increases in a thriving district in the Honda World.

I couldn’t be happier with the development it has provided for me on a professional and personal level. It has pushed me to become a stronger leader on and off my given playing field and has pushed my staff beyond measures they ever could have dreamed. It has taught me that accountability is directly related to our accountability, and as long as we gear up, follow the game plan and execute, our team vision will become reality. The heartbeat that Chris Collins Inc. created is something that will shake the league and everyone will dream about becoming a part of the “Bulldogs in Bow Ties” team.

Want to join the Signature Coaching Group? Click the button below to schedule your free consultation. We’ll answer your questions and help you achieve the same success as our Signature Coaching Group Alumni!

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