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A large customer database is considered the foundation of every successful business. Many up and coming businesses resort to purchasing market lists to kick-start their venture. However, this is just a waste of money and time. Based from studies about purchased database, most businesses turn out to be on the losing end as the market list just brought complaints, return to sender notification. This might also lead to legal issues if the list is obtained illegally.

Developing a customer database takes multiple complex processes, oftentimes tiring and slow. What you need to do is make a quality connection with every new customer that comes to your dealership. With this, you will also be able to identify what resources you need to produce more and who is your market base. With satisfied customers comes the free ‘word of mouth’ advertising that will add up to your growing list of quality database.

And how are you going to grow your database? Here are some factors that will help you create a quality customer database.

Make it easy for customers to know you.

There is no special advertisement that can help you build a customer database. What will be the deciding factor why customers will choose you are on how you present yourself and how you help them the first time. People tend to go away from companies they are hard to understand, who are asking too many questions and verifications. Use words that are concise and brief, articulate but friendly. These are some of the keys to successfully get customer’s attention to what you want them to know and what you need for them to provide.

If you have a website, there is a big possibility that people can find you online. And if a customer finds you interesting, chances are they would like to get in touch with you. By having an easy-to-fill-up contact form, customers can provide you limited information such as name, email or phone number, and the reason for contact. If you decided to send a printout invitation, make sure the customer will only exert minimal effort on their end in answering your queries.

Make your presence felt on social media. With the advancement of technologies nowadays, signing up for social media probably should not be the last thing on your mind. Most people own at least one gadget connected to the Internet thereby giving you more chances of being found if you sign up for these media outlets.

Once you have the customer’s database going, your job does not end from here.

Make constant communication and/or update. Once you have built your customer database, it’s time to make them feel they’re the priority of your company’s services. Call them or send updates on the product or service they are interested in or they have availed in the past. As additional information, feed them with the new ones which they might find interesting. Calling just to check on their car and to inquire if they need other services will certainly keep you on their minds as their to-go service advisor.

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