As gamification – the application of game design, and even games themselves, to drive and improve sales and other business practices – grows more and more popular, I’m seeing a lot of dealerships applying it in their sales departments. Even simple things like a sales board with stickers for each vehicle sale, and a prize for the top associate at the end of the month, or a Wheel of Fortune-style spinner in the morning meeting conference room are forms of gamification, and I see those all the time at the most successful dealerships.
What a lot of dealership owners are struggling with, however, is how to extend the incredible success of gamification-based business practices from the sales department to the service department. That’s a shame, because done right, it can make an even bigger impact there!
The obvious solution, of course, is to gamify service sales, just like vehicle sales, just with smaller, more frequent rewards and spiffs. Sell a brake job? Get a spin on the prize wheel, or a turn at Nerf Bullseye or something similar.
But you can do more. I’ve had great success extending gamification to the technicians as well! Complete a thorough vehicle inspection? Get a turn at Blackjack: The House Never Wins. You could even extend it into things like completing repair orders under book time – just be careful, and make sure to emphasize quality, not shortcuts; maybe you can even gamify that!
How about a chance to win the pot for a perfect score on a customer survey? Or a turn in Jenga Towers for a follow-up call or email with a customer, to make sure they’re satisfied with their repairs, and to maintain and strengthen the relationship?
The possibilities are endless, and when combined with the comprehensive training packages I offer with my Virtual Training System, my coaching group, and even my done-for-you system that’s guaranteed to make your service department the profit-generating dynamo at the foundation of your dealership, gamification can make a huge impact on your sales, your profits, and your company’s culture.
Click here now to discover how to “gamify” your service department.