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Grilling Up Success: What BBQ Can Teach Your Service Department 

We had Harry Soo, a BBQ champion, on Service Drive Revolution recently. Now, you might wonder what barbecue has to do with running a Service Department. And it turns out…it’s quite a bit. 

Embracing New Challenges 

Harry’s story is pretty remarkable. He went from being an airline pilot to an IT professional, and then became a world-renowned BBQ champion. The key? He wasn’t afraid to try something completely new. 

This got me thinking about our Service Departments. How often do we stick to what we know, just because it’s comfortable? Harry’s success came from stepping out of his comfort zone. In our world, that might mean rethinking our processes, trying new customer service approaches, or implementing new technologies. 

attracting new customers

Building a Strong Team Culture 

In competitive BBQ, it’s not just about the food. It’s about the team, the community, and the relationships you build. Harry talked about how these connections were crucial to his success. 

Now, look at your Service Department. Are your Technicians, Advisors, and Managers really working as a team? Or are they just going through the motions? Building a strong team culture isn’t just about morale – it directly impacts your performance and customer satisfaction. 

Creating Extraordinary Experiences 

Harry didn’t just win competitions – he built a loyal following. He did this by consistently delivering extraordinary experiences, whether it was through his food or his teaching. 

In your Service Department, are you just fixing cars, or are you creating experiences that keep customers coming back? It’s worth thinking about how you can make every interaction memorable, from the first phone call to the final handover. 

Learning from Competition 

One thing that stood out about Harry’s approach was how he viewed competition. He didn’t just compete – he studied his competitors, learned from them, and then found ways to stand out. 

In our industry, it’s easy to get caught up in price wars or trying to match what the Dealership down the street is doing. But maybe we need to be looking at how we can be extraordinary in our everyday tasks. It’s not about being the cheapest – it’s about providing the best value. 

Continuous Improvement 

Even after becoming a champion, Harry never stopped learning and improving. He’s constantly refining his techniques and exploring new ideas. 

This is crucial in our business too. The automotive industry is always evolving, with new technologies and customer expectations. Are you fostering a culture of continuous learning in your Service Department? Are you and your team staying updated with the latest in automotive service? 

The Bottom Line 

Here’s what it comes down to: success often comes from unexpected places. Harry’s story shows us that being open to new ideas and constantly striving to be better can lead to extraordinary results. 

Take a hard look at your Service Department. Where can you improve? How can you inspire your team to think differently and create better experiences for your customers? 

If you’re interested in exploring how to implement these ideas in your Service Department, book a 15-minute strategy session with our team. We’re here to help you take your Fixed Ops to the next level. 

Remember, in this business, it’s not about being the biggest – it’s about being the best. Are you ready to raise the bar in your Service Department? 

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